Thursday, July 19, 2012


For those who know me, it isn't surprising that I abruptly awoke this morning and have yet to get back to sleep. It's ok, I've grown to accept it. So instead of fussing, I'm filling the earholes with some Slightly Stoopid. Most of these nights I spend trolling facebook or questioning all the unknowns of the free world. Tonight, there is a special feeling of contentness (as you can tell, I'm going to use ****ness a lot. Get off me) of the immediate but wonderment of the bigger picture. So as I toke from my e-cig and listen to semi-reggae, I'm wondering if I'm discovering the doldrums of mid-twenties. Let's see, I'm too old to be an adolescent all full of immaturity, too young to be filled with content of the daily grind but at a crossroads where I need to be doing something. The thing that really bothers me is that I don't want to be one of the "I don't want to grow up, wanna be a Toys R' Us kid" peeps. I don't want to be on the brink of the thirties acting like I'm 21, however, at this point what else is there? On the other hand I'm thinking, "we only live once blah blah blah." Hmm. I'm guessing the befuddlement is being caused by the lack of sleep and fear of the impending work day. Good day all. Top o' the morning to ya.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Well, apparently I'm single again. It's been a while. You can say I had a good run. Not really sure what to think about it. Screwed it up myself (I have the rib kick to prove it). I've decided dating is for the birds anyway. How can two people really be together and love each other unconditionally??? I'm pretty sure on any given scale I know a lot of people. I know one happily married couple. Most people say "oh, I love (insert significant other) soooooo much. They complete me!" That is until they piss you off and I get the text "(insert significant other) is such an asshole!!! Wanna hang out?" I'm like, "oh now my friendship is valuable???" It's cool. I'm not salty. I'm just convinced people aren't meant to stay together forever. Well, at least for any period longer than eight hours per day. We can deal with our shitty jobs that long, right? This is my last post where I talk about anything somewhat resembling me being pissed off about relationships. Let's move on together, shall we? Look at it this way. You get to live vicariously through me! Almost like a TV show except you have to work for it. ;-) On that note....